Conversational AI

A Self-learning
Engagement Cloud

Delivering Solutions for Conversational Enterprise

AI for your Business

tickAutomate workflows with chatbots
tickDesign Conversational Workflows with Designer
tickPrebuild Intents & Entities for your business
tickIdentify customer sentiments and route conversations
tickMultilingual bots supporting 20+ Languages
tickAutomated training for Unanswered Queries
tickCommunicate with customers across platforms

Artificial Intelligence

The Next Generation Conversational AI Platform

Get proven, secure, and responsible AI capabilities for your business, build mission-critical solutions that can infuse AI into your enterprise workflows to automate decisions, enhance work flows and optimize customer engagements.

Purple Bots

Scale your business efforts with intelligent AI-based purplebots that work alongside your existing business teams and use machine learning to interpret inquiries, answer customer questions.

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Dialog Designer

Our intuitive point-and-click interface makes it easy to build bots and automate conversations. Even nontechnical staff can build and optimize AI-powered chatbots.optimize

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Intent Management

Intent Manager uses our industry-leading NLU engine to detect consumer intents, identify conversations to automate.conversations to automate

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Skill Builders

Prebuilt skills that can automate complex enterprise use cases. With our Skill Builders, quickly design enterprise-grade skills with minimal coding and configuration required.

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Knowledge Base

Knowledge base is the repository of knowledge that sources FAQ, documents etc and instantly enable your virtual assistant to learn and respond to a customer’s natural language queries.

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Vertical Domains

These prebuilt vertical AI models can be simply locked and loaded to launch your next conversational AI assistant instantly for your specific domains so you are up and running immediately.

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Conversational Analytics

Conversational Analytics can analyze data points across business conversations and can utilize these customer insights to make smarter decisions.

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Tone & Sentiments

Measure your customer conversation with Tone & Sentiment analysis to interpret and classify the customer so as to respond to your customers appropriately.

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Get started with™ gives you everything you need to manage all your engagements with your customers and reach your business goals.