Conversational AI

Advanced NLU

Purpleclouds NLU Engine helps you process and understand complex user queries. With a specific focus on reducing false positives, the NLU engine classifies users’ intents and extracts key entities from users’ queries with very high accuracy. With direct integration to IBMWatson all NLU's are processed with high level of accuracy to respond to users.

Conversational AI

Knowledge Base

Knowledge base can ingest your company’s knowledge sources FAQ, documents etc and instantly enable your virtual assistant to learn and respond to a customer’s natural language queries about that knowledge. This knowledge source can be uploaded as documents that can be stored and managed to train the system.

Conversational AI

Vertical Domains

These prebuilt vertical AI models can be simply locked and loaded to launch your next conversational AI assistant within days for your specific domains. The Bot Store provides a variety of templates that can be quickly viewed and tailored to your needs. Our training data sets are generated by combining real world conversations validated by experts including linguistic phenomena such as negation and coordination.

Conversational AI

Conversational Analytics

Conversational Analytics can analyze data points across business conversations – allowing you to reduce errors from manual review and do things in seconds that previously would take hours, days, or even weeks. You can utilize these customer insights to make smarter decisions about your digital marketing strategies, call handling best practices, mystery shopping, lost opportunities and more.

Conversational AI

Conversational Landing Pages

Create Conversational Landing pages to provide personalized experience for customers, these are directly launched from a email campaign or from an Ad platform or from anywhere you want your users to be Engaged. These landing pages have Purplebots embedded that are quick to respond to any quick question about the campaign, ad or the product and drives users to immediate engagements.