Enterprise Services

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for your enterprise

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Conversational AI for your enterprise

Purplegrids Conversational AI Platform is fully-equipped with enterprise-grade features and functionality. Purplegrids Services team understands your organization’s requirements and provides consultation and services to help you harness the full potential of conversational AI across multiple channels and applications – all while ensuring you experience the lowest total cost of ownership and fastest time to market.

Deployment Flexibility

Purplegrids offers the flexibility in deployments based on your IT team needs, budgets and resources. The platform can be deployed On-Premise for full control, or Cloud for faster value and flexibility, or Hybrid model for your custom deployment scenarios.


Protect your data flows and engagements with Enterprise Grade security and compliance. Purplecloud enables security at all layers implementing intrution detection, encryption and Multifactor authentication backed by incident and event monitoring.

24X7 Support

As part of our support services, we resolve customer queries quickly, efficiently, and cost-effectively using our highly skilled support team. Our support team will identify your problem and come up with a solution promptly. We provide 24/7 support as per agreed SLAs with our clients.


Deployment Flexibility

Purplegrids offers the flexibility in deployments based on your IT team needs, budgets and resources. The platform can be Deployed On-Premise for full control, or Cloud for faster value and flexibility, or Hybrid model for your custom deployment scenarios.


On-Premise deployments enables the organisation choosing to deploy in this way to fully control their own security and access to the data and application and as well the hardware and software. Our solutions team will work with you to plan your cluster and setup the deployments.

Full Cloud

Purplecloud can be hosted in GCP, AWS, Azure in a high available and secure infrastructure. Based on your location we will recommend the closest data center for your cloud options. Purplecloud provides 99.9% system uptime, with disaster recovery.

Hybrid Cloud

Hybrid deployments uses a mix of on-premises private cloud and cloud services. It can offer flexibility as it allows data and services to shift between the two based on client needs. Our solution experts teams will work with your IT Teams in deciding the deployment architecture.

Get started with PurpleCloud.ai™

PurpleCloud.ai gives you everything you need to manage all your engagements with your customers and reach your business goals.